Эффективность L-аргинина при неалкогольном стеатогепатите у больных с метаболическим синдромом
2014 / Васильевич Шевчук Владимир
Лечение и профилактика раневой инфекции после эпизиотомии
2014 / Мальцева Алла Николаевна
Новые аспекты в патогенезе Лихорадки Q
2014 / Лазарева Елена Николаевна, Малеев Виктор Васильевич, Галимзянов Халил Мингалиевич, Хок Марина Михайловна, Бабаева Марина Алексеевна, Неталиева Светлана Жанслыковна
The comparison assessment of effectiveness of low-dose aspirin in women with gestational endotheliopathy for prevention of preeclampsia depending on beginning of treatment
2014 / Konkov Dmytro Gennadevich
The formation of the elbow joint within chronic injuries in children
2014 / Bayimbetov Gairat Djenbaevich, Khodjanov Iskandar Yu
Тhe present State of the problem of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
2014 / Shebanova Vitaliya Ihorivna
Subjectivity and peculiarities of subjective characteristics development among master’s degree students
2014 / Akhmetzhanova Altynay Kuanysheva, Ermentayeva Ardakh Rizabekovna
Studying the role of complex echographic researches in diagnosis of chronic viral hepatitis in children
2014 / Yusupalieva Gulnora Akmalovna
Status indicators of T-cell immunity in HIV-infected persons and patients co-infected with HIV/HCV
2014 / Iurko Kateryna Vladymyrovna
Contemporary approaches to the trigeminal neuralgia therapeutic management
2014 / Khatuaeva Aminat Aubekirovna, Karpov Sergey Mihailovich, Frantseva Anastasia Petrovna
Features of debut of pediatric multiple sclerosis
2014 / Tambieva Fatima Ismailovna, Shevchenko Petr Petrovich, Karpov Sergey Mihaylovic
Timing of diagnosis of central nervous system neoplasms in Stavropol Krai based on Stavropol Krai clinical hospital database
2014 / Karpov Sergey Mihailovich, Senyugina Juliya Anatolievna, Mozheiko Rostislav Alexandrovich
Doppler researches informativeness in diagnosis of chronic viral hepatitises in children
2014 / Inoyatova Flora Ilyasovna, Yusupalieva Gulnora Akmalovn
Dynamics of proinflammatory cytokines using conventional ultrafiltration after cardiac surgery
2014 / Yarovenko Vladimir Vladimirovich
Morphometric parameters of maxillodental at 3-year-old children with artificial and natural food
2014 / Teshaev Shukhrat Jumaevich, Yadgarova Gulnara Sadritdinovna
Optimization of therapy methods for children with epispadia associated with extrophy
2014 / Khudoynazarov Khayrulla Khamitvich, Tadjibayev Alisher Tukhtapulatovich
Comparative evaluation of methods of amputation related to tibiotartus with severe forms of diabetic foot syndrome
2014 / Hamdamov Bahtiyor Zarifovich
Optimization of detection and treatment osteoporosis in children
2014 / Usmanov Shukhrat Urazalievich, Djuraev Ahror Mahmudovich
Disadaptation infants at high risk — the result of the negative impact of complicated pregnancy and childbirth
2014 / Tumaeva Tatiana Stanislavovna, Naumenko Elena Ivanovna
Expert diagnostics of diabetes mellitus in the cases of sudden death
2014 / Ruziyev Sherzod Ibadullayevich
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